He is a quiet man whose demeanor and tenor changed acutely as he began to instruct us on what a tremendous resource the sun is for healing of the mind, body and spirit. His voice boomed as he told us how sun gazing for 270 days provides photons to the body which heals it of all weaknesses, emotional discord and illness for life. It starts with providing healing of the mind in the first 90 days of practice. You start gradually sun gazing only for seconds during the hour after sunrise and/or the hour before sunset. According to HRM this is when the sun emits no harmful ultraviolet rays making it safe to look at. You build gradually starting at 10 seconds on the first day, increasing your time until by the end of 90 days you are sun gazing for 15 minutes.
During the next 90 days you increase your time sun gazing until you reach 30 minutes a day. At this point you are healing all of your physical issues. He revealed he has experienced and seen amazing cures happen to individuals practicing sun gazing.
HRM told those in attendance that retention of photons is cumulative. Once you have reached a certain level you retain the healing qualities for life. Finally in the next 90 days you raise your rate of sun gazing to 45 minutes. He reported that emotional challenges and spiritual enlightenment come to the person at the level of their consciousness and they will begin to change their perceptions and take action to experience the higher vibrations of life in general.
He discussed his own life and the healing he experienced from his dedicated practice. He was observed by members of the medical community as he sun gazed for nourishment for 411 days. He took in no food, only water to the amazement of the medical establishment. The medical report is available for viewing on his website. All of this was just a small part of what he shared. I have a DVD of his talk and will be scheduling a time when those of you who missed the opportunity to hear this dynamic man talk can learn more about sun gazing and how it may benefit you.
Those who showed up to hear HRM came from a variety of backgrounds and belief systems. Some were open minded in general just seeking more wisdom. Some have dedicated practices in body, mind or spirit healing modalities and came to hear how this wisdom could be incorporated in their work and their lives. The question and answers session left us all thinking about the wonderful gifts this planet and universe have for us if we will open our minds and open our spirit to different things to make our lives better. My hope for everyone is that we awaken to the greater knowing within us and follow that awareness with courage. I for one have begun sun gazing and I am excited about the greater me to come!
May the light of the sun awaken the glow within you!
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